I'm Taís, a software developer living in Berlin, Germany.
I'm interested in all aspects of crafting software, especially frontend applications that have been around for some time. I enjoy finding ways to modernize old patterns and simplify complex ones to improve performance and maintainability, and to ensure codebases can be accessible to contributors of all levels of experience.
Learning about the struggles of healthcare professionals @ Doctolib.
I write somewhat chaotic monthly recaps and sporadic technical blog posts.
If you want to keep updated, you can follow my
RSS feed.
- 2023: a year in review
- Pattern matching with the Aho-Corasick algorithm
- October 2023: starting my 35th year
- September 2023: a month of first times
- A recap of what's been missing
- 2023 March recap
- 2023 February recap
- 2023 January recap
- December 2022: a year in review
- On the end of Twitter
- November 2022: a lazy recap
- October 2022: on being hopeful and proud
- September 2022: slowing down, festivals and democracy
- TIL: avoid scrolling events with IntersectionObserver API
- August 2022: dropping in and out
- July 2022: a bunch of links
- June 2022: eating ice cream, buying furniture, throwing clay
- TIL: don't ignore, expect error
- May 2022: bad news are poison
- April 2022: being Brazilian
- March 2022: two years of covid, with covid
- How I failed to use the Twitter API to build a personal project
- Turning off Bluetooth when computer sleeps
- Initial Commit
You can reach me at hi@tais.dev.
If you don't mind the identity crisis between being Brazilian and being in tech, I'm also on Twitter.
And if you're here for professional reasons, you might be interested in these too: CV, LinkedIn and GitHub.
The current version of this website was built with SvelteKit.
It uses TailwindCSS and the Compasso typeface.
Deployed on Vercel.